Social Sciences

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Science in School

El siguiente Link te lleva a una revista trimestral (gratis) sobre la ciencia en el colegio/instituto. Tiene ideas muy buenas y artículos que se pueden aplicar en el aula.

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Urban change across England

This is an activity to learn about urban redevelopment across England. We focus on four areas: Ipswich Waterfront, Old Harwich, London Docklands and Olympic Stratford.

Redevelopment image


Use the following link to download a powerpoint presentation about this topic, it includes photos and activities.

Redevelopment in four areas of England

Land uses in two different areas

This is an activity to learn about economic activities and land uses in Harwich and East Berghol. Use the following link to download a powerpoint presentation about this topic, it includes photos and activities.

Land use in two different areas

Land use

Bikes in London & Zaragoza

This is an activity to know more about bicycles and cyclists in two different cities:

London (UK) and Zaragoza (Spain)




Clacton-on-Sea: an English seaside resort

This is an activity about tourism, the case study is Clacton-on-Sea, a typical English seaside resort.

Use the following link to download a powerpoint presentation about Clacton-on-Sea, it includes photos and activities. Clacton-on-Sea-an-English-seaside-resort3





BBC News – Spain Country Profile

As well as the BBC World Service’s excellent Learning English website, which you are all no doubt familiar with, here’s another great BBC website, this time about Spain in English. Latest news plus links relating to history, geography, the economy, art, literature, politics, culture and more. Drop-down menu for same on other countries. Great reading and resources for teachers and also possibly useful for class, although I’m not sure which levels!

Analysis of Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix

This slide show analyses the key work of art about the 1830 Revolution in France. This painting by Eugene Delacroix is almost a universal symbol of freedom but not only this.

Liberty Leading the People is in the public domain in those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 100 years or fewer.


Services and Settlements Powerpoint


This slide show can be useful to teach the settlement hierarchy and the different kinds of services that can be found in a village and in a city .

Imagen-2-300x228Some services in York