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Everything ESL

You may or may not be familiar with this website by Judie Haynes from New Jersey. It offers lesson plans, vocabulary, teaching tips and resources (some free, others not). See in particular this nice link on animal classification and categorization. Lots of different levels. I’m ticking category 1 ESO but you’ll find material for other levels. Just enter a search term in the EverythingESL search box.

Voice of America


Up-to-the-minute news and lots of great resources from the US.

Texts on numerous topics, downloadable audio files, pronunciation, grammar and vocab activities, games and more. Lots of different levels.Voice_of_America_Logo-300x126

Check out the Activities link:VOA_activities

Or the EFL teaching community link for grammar:Voice_of_America_Logo-300x126


TES Teaching Resources

Teachers’ resources website. Register to receive regular emails on new resources designed to suit your needs.

BBC News – Spain Country Profile

As well as the BBC World Service’s excellent Learning English website, which you are all no doubt familiar with, here’s another great BBC website, this time about Spain in English. Latest news plus links relating to history, geography, the economy, art, literature, politics, culture and more. Drop-down menu for same on other countries. Great reading and resources for teachers and also possibly useful for class, although I’m not sure which levels!

BBC World Book Club

Monthly podcasts of well-known authors speaking about their most famous books. Great listening for teachers but also possibly year 4 literacy. See for example John Boyne on The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Old podcasts also downloadable.




Analysis of Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix

This slide show analyses the key work of art about the 1830 Revolution in France. This painting by Eugene Delacroix is almost a universal symbol of freedom but not only this.

Liberty Leading the People is in the public domain in those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 100 years or fewer.


Services and Settlements Powerpoint


This slide show can be useful to teach the settlement hierarchy and the different kinds of services that can be found in a village and in a city .

Imagen-2-300x228Some services in York

«Ebro riverside walk»

By Julia ARA, Isabel BURBANO, Maribel RIVARÉS (IES Pedro de Luna)

Enlace a Experiencia didáctica

Link to the website of the interdisciplinary activity that was carried out by teachers of Science-Geography-History and students in IES Pedro de Luna about the river Ebro.

Evolution Webquest

Esta es una actividad tipo Web-Quest preparada para trabajar parte de el tema de EVOLUCIÓN con alumnos de 4º ESO. En ordenadores con conexión a internet durante una sesión de 50 minutos y una vez que ya tienen unas bases mínimas sobre teoría de la evolución, deben en primer lugar el cuestionario (son un total de 14 preguntas) y después sabiendo lo que se pregunta, contestar conusltando los enlaces y las presentaciones de referencia que se proponen.

Deben trabajar a fondo para poder contestar en el tiempo a todas la preguntas y al final de la sesión entregarlas resuletas.

First give a look at this Evolution game and then watch this video Teacher’s Guide to: Evolutionary theory and answer the quiz questions.





1. Define Evolution.

2. What did Darwin notice thanks to the Beagle voyage?

3. Write the main points of Lamarckian evolution theory.

4. Write the main points of Darwinian evolution theory.

5. Why is Lyell related to Darwin’s theory?

6. When did Darwin do the Beagle voyage?

7. How old was he by then?

8. Explain the key concept he found in the finches to propose his theory.

9. When did he publish the book presenting his theory of evolution? What was the title of this book?

10. What are homologous organs? Give example.

11. Make a list with the evidences of evolution.

12. Who thought of a very similar theory to Darwin´s one?

13. What is the basis of Neodarwinism?

14. What are the causes of variation according to Neodarwinism?

15. Find out what «Co-Evolution» is.