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Voice of America


Up-to-the-minute news and lots of great resources from the US.

Texts on numerous topics, downloadable audio files, pronunciation, grammar and vocab activities, games and more. Lots of different levels.Voice_of_America_Logo-300x126

Check out the Activities link:VOA_activities

Or the EFL teaching community link for grammar:Voice_of_America_Logo-300x126


BBC News – Spain Country Profile

As well as the BBC World Service’s excellent Learning English website, which you are all no doubt familiar with, here’s another great BBC website, this time about Spain in English. Latest news plus links relating to history, geography, the economy, art, literature, politics, culture and more. Drop-down menu for same on other countries. Great reading and resources for teachers and also possibly useful for class, although I’m not sure which levels!

BBC World Book Club

Monthly podcasts of well-known authors speaking about their most famous books. Great listening for teachers but also possibly year 4 literacy. See for example John Boyne on The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Old podcasts also downloadable.
