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Formación gratuita online TRINITY

Trinity College London ofrece formación gratuita online que podéis consultar en su web. Nos gustaría destacar el curso de 15h  “Trinity Stars and Teaching Young Learners“.   Course information Start date: 28/09/2019 End date: 20/10/2019 Duration: 15 hours (3 weeks/4 weekends) ENROLMENT Course details This 15-hour online course offers teacher support over 3 weeks/ 4 […]

Taller gratuito TRINITY College London

El próximo 6 de marzo, Trinity College London ha organizado el taller gratuito “Language through literature & (M)other-tongue tied” en horario de 10 a 13.15h. Inscripciones hasta el 1 de marzo a las 10h. Información.   Abstract: Language through literature: Too often the word ‘literature’ conjures up ideas of impenetrable genius. But it doesn’t need […]