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Centros Bilingües MEFP-British Council: ‘Cross-curricular collaboration’ Community of Practice (COP)

There will be 4 sessions at 19:00-20:30 on Mondays on 07.03, 21.03, 02.05 & 16.05. Join this community of practice facilitated by Jo Dossetor and aimed at both English/Literacy teachers and teachers of non-linguistic subjects who collaborate or want to collaborate in cross-curricular projects in Secondary. Read more about the Community of Practice (COP) below […]

MEFP-British Council: Webinar para profesorado Programa Bilingüe en inglés Ed. Secundaria

Bilingual Education Programme (MEFP-British Council) Webinar for Secondary Teachers. This webinar will be delivered by Sheona Smith and aimed at teachers who teach subjects in English in bilingual contexts. We hope it will also be of interest to English teachers as well as they both support colleagues with the demands of subject teaching and collaborate […]

British Council: 3 seminarios online para profesorado del Programa Bilingüe SECUNDARIA

Webinars for Secondary TeachersThese webinars delivered by Amanda McLoughlin and aimed at ‘subject’ teachers inbilingual contexts. We hope they will also be of interest to our English teachers as well as theysupport colleagues with the demands of subject teaching and collaborate in cross-curricularprojects together. Supporting input in bilingual classes Thursday 27th January 17:00-18:00 CETAmanda McLoughlin, […]

INTEF: oferta formativa Programa Bilingüe para docentes de infantil y secundaria inglés

INFANTIL: Entre las diferentes actividades formativas que el Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional está organizando este año para centros que imparten el Programa Educativo Bilingüe figuran unas jornadas en línea para el profesorado que imparte el currículo integrado (inglés) en 1º, 2º y 3º de Educación Infantil. Las jornadas, que llevan por título “Iniciación […]