En estos días tan especiales, British Council ofrece una serie de webinars para poder seguir formándonos desde casa. Os facilitamos la información que nos han transmitido. Esperamos que os resulte de interés.
Hi Everyone.
We hope that you and your families are managing to keep healthy and safe as our second week of health emergency draws to an end.
Teachers are rising to the challenge of how to keep the education of their students going during the health emergency. We are realising though that d igital solutions are only part of the answer and sustaining teacher, student and family well-being has to underpin any approach to remote teaching.
You are probably feeling overwhelmed by the extensive offer of webinars and online learning opportunities around at the moment but please make time to join us for one of our “Keeping it real” webinars taking place next week. Our British Council Span colleague, trainer and materials writer, Tracey Chapelton, will explore how best we can organise meaningful and motivating learning for our students without adding to the pressure which families are feeling. Times and dates below and look forward to seeing you there!
¡Hasta pronto, ánimo … and keep safe!
The English Programmes Team (Anne, Beatriz, Mark and Maureen)
Join our colleague Tracey Chapelton at one of our” Keeping it real” webinars next week.
Keeping Learning Real: Early Years to 1º ciclo Primary
31.03.2020. 16.00 – 17.00 (CET)
In this webinar Tracey Chapelton will explore ways in which teachers of Early Years and Early Primary can best encourage meaningful learning at home by supporting parents and keeping young children enthused with ideas for motivating child and adult initiated play. We will also look at the best ideas for maximising the live time which Early Years and Early Primary teachers may have with classes.
Keeping Learning Real: 3º Primaria – 1º ESO
01.04.2020. 16.00 – 17.00 (CET)
In this webinar Tracey Chapelton will explore ways in which teachers of Primary and Early Secondary can best encourage meaningful learning at home by setting clear and effective
learning objectives. These can be met through a creative mix and good balance of mini teacher led tutorials or input sessions, some self directed student study and creative and engaging interdisciplinary projects and tasks which are relevant to the curriculum.
Keeping Learning Real: 2º – 4º ESO
02.04.2020. 16.00 – 17.00 (CET)
In this webinar Tracey will explore ways in which teachers of Secondary stage students can best support and promote meaningful learning at home. Teachers can work together to ensure that students remain motivated through fair and realistic learning objective setting backed up with a creative mix and good balance of mini teacher led tutorials or input sessions, some self directed student study and creative and engaging interdisciplinary projects which are relevant to the curriculum.
Our new webpage pulls together ideas for you and your students to stay at home and learn English, enjoy wider cultural activity in English and take up free online professional development courses. More here!