La educación en historia es clave para promover la ciudadanía activa, contrarrestar la desinformación, fomentar el pensamiento crítico, fortalecer la educación para la paz y abordar el discurso de odio, entre muchas otras cosas.
Información sobre recursos para la asignatura de historia en la Plataforma Europea de Educación Escolar (ESEP). Con la ayuda de estos recursos, podrás explorar diferentes aspectos de la educación en historia y descubrir por qué es más importante que nunca:
- Expert article: Tomorrow’s narrative: (re)imagining history education in 2030 by Aurora Ailincai, Council of Europe
- Practice article: Rediscovering history: Innovative educational strategies
- News article: Shaping European identity through history education
- News article: Building a commitment to peace in European history education
- News article: The role of history education in countering disinformation and encouraging civic engagement
- News article: Enriching history education through ICT
- News article: Teaching European history using shared cultural heritage
- Publication: Dealing with parents when teaching sensitive and controversial issues
- Publication: General Report on the State of History Teaching in Europe
- Publication: EuroClio podcast series: Past Times – Talking and Teaching History
- Teaching material: HISTOLAB: tutorials for inclusive history education
- Education Talks interview: The House of European History fostering critical thinking and active citizenship, with Laurence Bragard, the House of European History
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