Serie de artículos sobre el uso de la Inteligencia Artificial para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje
Expert article: Should we chat?by Petra Bevek, Slovenian Ministry of Education
Practice article: Adapting to the future: responsibly integrating AI into teaching and learning
News article: AI and data literacy: key skills for the data-driven world
News article: Preparing teacher education for a future with A
News article:Digital education content generated or assisted by AI
News article: Ethical considerations in educational AI
Publication: Guidance for generative AI in education and research
Publication: Digital education content in the EU – state of play and policy options
Publication: AI report by the European Digital Education Hub’s Squad on artificial intelligence in education
Webinar recording: Empowering educational leadership through artificial intelligence
Webinar recording: AI for student engagement and motivation
Webinar series recordings: Artificial intelligence for teacher professional development
Online course (for self-paced learning): Discussing AI with students without sounding robotic